Another Roth/Van Halen Rumor

In an interview, David Lee Roth has claimed that a reunion with Van Halen is “inevitable.” I just don’t know if DLR, and EVH could ever get along long enough to get an album done, let alone a tour. Anyway, the article can be found HERE.

UPDATE : Further discussion about the possible Roth/VH reunion can be found HERE.

WoW Account Management Changes

What the Hell? I can’t cancel my WoW subscription from WoW’s website anymore? That sucks. It looks like they make you call now to cancel a subsciption. I guess they want to make it harder for people like me to cancel, renew, cancel, renew, etc. The problem is that if they make it that hard to cancel a subsciption, once I cancel it – it’s gonna stay cancelled. There are a lot of off-and-on players like me out there. I would suggest that WoW rethink their strategy.

Switched to WordPress

I finally got off my butt and switched to WordPress. I’ve done several other sites using WordPress but didn’t get around to switching my own over to it until now. I’m working on getting my old blog archived so that I can link to it from here in case anyone wants to look up old blog entries of mine. Since I’m essentially starting my blog over, it’s going to take some time to get a decent collection of content going. I hope everyone likes the new look!