Category: Comics
Garfield minus Garfield – Excerises the Imagination
These strips are usually funny because your imagination makes them funny. How does YOUR imagination explain the last panel? 🙂
2nd Ammendment – For the Sake of Argument
While I’m actually a supporter of the 2nd amendment, the argument that a handgun or a rifle will protect you from an oppressive government doesn’t hold much sway with me because of what’s depicted in the last 2 panels of this XKCD strip…
Garfield Minus Garfield 3
Yet another great Garfield Minus Garfield strip.
Penny Arcade – Arkham Asylum
Since I’ve been playing the Arkham Asylum demo on PS3 a lot, I found this strip particularly funny.
Garfield Minus Garfield – Again
Yet another example of how taking Garfield out of Garfield totally changes the gag of the strip…